Eduardo Anitua at Maxillaris Day

Eduardo Anitua at Maxillaris Day

Dr. Eduardo Anitua participates this 9 of June in the Maxillaris Day as speaker of SEPES, with the conference "Post-extraction socket treatment in aesthetic zone".

The day "MAXILLARIS Day. New Horizons in Science and Technology ", organized by Maxillaris magazine, will be the meeting point between Science (with SEPES, SECIB, SECOM, SEI, AEDE and SELO), Industry, readers of the magazine and, Formation as link.

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Eduardo Anitua participates in the Global Innovation Day

Eduardo Anitua participates in the Global Innovation Day

Dr. Eduardo Anitua has participated in the sixth edition of Global Innovation Day, the great event of Basque innovation organized by the Basque Innovation Agency, Innobasque. The Basque Country regional president, Iñigo Urkullu, was in charge of opening the tenth General Assembly of Innobasque and this new edition of Global Innovation Day, held in the Euskalduna Palace of Bilbao, which involved more than 2,000 people.

El Correo | Bizkaia
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Global Innovation Day 2017

Eduardo Anitua participates in the GAC Forum for Innovation

Eduardo Anitua participates in the GAC Forum for Innovation

Dr. Anitua will participate on May 18 at the GAC Forum for Innovation. Under the motto “Strategic Priorities for the Future”, the forum will feature speakers from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, regional governments and corporations, along with other leaders of companies with a high R & D & I component, as well as The assistance of a high representative of the European Union in research and development.

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