Eduardo Anitua takes part in the XX International Course in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, held by Clinica Planas

Eduardo Anitua takes part in the XX International Course in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, held by Clinica Planas

Dr Eduardo Anitua has given a conference about the applications of Plasma Rich in Growth Factors in esthetics medicine, in the setting of the XX International Course of Plastic Surgery and Esthetics that has been held in the Auditorium Jaime Planas in Barcelona from 7th to 9 June 2017. After the conference, Dr Anitua has been interviewed by Dr. Jorge Planas, director of the course, for the section of Clínica Planas in La Vanguardia.

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La Vanguardia    
Eduardo Anitua at Maxillaris Day

Eduardo Anitua at Maxillaris Day

Dr. Eduardo Anitua participates this 9 of June in the Maxillaris Day as speaker of SEPES, with the conference "Post-extraction socket treatment in aesthetic zone".

The day "MAXILLARIS Day. New Horizons in Science and Technology ", organized by Maxillaris magazine, will be the meeting point between Science (with SEPES, SECIB, SECOM, SEI, AEDE and SELO), Industry, readers of the magazine and, Formation as link.

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The management of the Network of Technology Parks of Euskadi visits BTI

The management of the Network of Technology Parks of Euskadi visits BTI

Itziar Epalza, President of the Network of Technology Parks of Euskadi, visited the BTI facilities together with the Deputy Director and Technical Director of the Technology Park of Álava. Accompanied by Dr. Eduardo Anitua, during the visit they have toured both the research, clinical and teaching facilities of the BTI headquarters in Armentia, as well as engineering and production facilities in Miñano.