"When we thought we had all the answers, suddenly, all the questions changed"

Mario Benedetti (1920-2009) Uruguayan writer, poet and dramatist

Full version of the presentation of the book Cocinar Para Vivir

We are pleased to present the video that collects the complete presentation of the book "Cocinar para vivir. Cómo cocinar para prevenir el cancer", by Dr. Fernando Fombellida and the chef Andoni Luis Aduriz, hosted by the "Eduardo Anitua Foundation" on 20 2015 May and...

Dr. Eduardo Anitua interviewed in Onda Cero

Last Thursday, May 28th, Dr. Eduardo Anitua attended the program "Más de uno" (Onda Cero) and talked about regenerative medicine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWO8IJf_rlo